What Men Want From Women

What do men want from women they date? This is not an easy question. Of course, answering such a question requires a deep understanding of male psychology, human psychology, love, ethics… the list can go on.

As social norms and the way we treat and view relationships change, so do our needs. So it’s more important than ever to understand what men really want, not just what they say they want or think they need.

It is true, there are men who know how to communicate well with a good woman. But oftentimes, boys are taught to work hard, to be strong in the face of grief, and to show false courage when fighting. Because of this, they often don’t think to talk about what they want in a relationship, or they don’t even know it. Although every man is different and the specific things that make them happy vary, there are a few basic things that almost all men want from their women and – bag.

Here are the six most important things a man wants from a woman in a relationship 

1. Heart 

Most men (not all) are unable to share their worries, fears and frustrations with others. For this reason, they need a woman to open it up, someone who is kind and understanding enough to be vulnerable. 

2. Attention

Men need women who listen well, because when they start talking about personal or private things, they go into a flow. Stopping this speed too much can cause a man to stop. Instead, when someone opens up, give them feedback if they ask for it or if they seem receptive, but for the most part, let them express themselves. Allow him to be vulnerable by trying to stay in a positive emotional state yourself. If you’re always down or emotional, he won’t feel comfortable talking to you about his problems. By being with him when he’s ready to talk and paying attention, you’ll bring a refreshing peace and calmness to his life. I know, it sounds a little ethereal, magical and spiritual, but it’s true! 

Just to be clear, I’m not saying you have to be fake and have a big smile on your face all the time. (This won’t help anyone.) My main point here is that you should be as positive as you can be. This will make it easier for him to talk to you. 

3. Respect 

Men need respect in general, but especially when it comes to dating and relationships. Most men want a woman who respects them for who and what they are. Look at his talents and interests and encourage him in the right way. Don’t pretend that he cares about what you don’t have, it’s not just to get a man interested in you.

It’s a little old school, but some men also want to be seen as heroes in a sense. It’s not like he really needs to save you, but he doesn’t mind saving the day once in a while. This means that he wants to be your crush or seek advice. Ask him about things that really interest you. Ask for his opinion. Reaching out to your significant other when you’re struggling with something is part of a healthy relationship, and it will make a man feel important and wanted.

4. Independence 

Freedom in a relationship means giving a man space when he wants it, letting him hang out with his boyfriends, encouraging his hobbies, and respecting him as an outsider in your relationship. – share. Giving a man freedom also means that he is not your whole life. If you are defining yourself by the guy you are dating, you are likely to scare him.

5. Confidence 

Tupac rap: “I want to take away your pain and suffering but all I need is your faith in me.” Trusting a man means you think he is a good person. You know it and don’t try to accuse, blame or attack it. If your man is not happy, he will go to another woman. Trust and have faith in a man if he doesn’t give you a reason why not. Being in a group, being partners in crime, is the essence of true love. If you want to give yourself a chance to feel and experience this, learn to let go and trust your partner.

6. Truth 

A man doesn’t want a woman who pretends to be a part of him. This can be misconstrued as having secrets, hidden agendas or acting like you’re trying to please someone. Instead of approaching your relationship by asking yourself, “What does this man want from me?” Think like, “What do I want to give this guy?” Find what you want to give without getting anything. It is a power that men (and humanity in general) cannot attain. 

7. Sex and attraction 

It’s no secret: both men and women want sex. But physical intimacy involves more than just sex, including kissing, cuddling, teasing the whole thing. Men want women who allow them to feel sexual and who are not afraid to be intimate or get pleasure. For both men and women, sex is a way to feel connected and deepen your connection.

Men should feel comfortable expressing their true sexuality without feeling judged, shamed or ridiculed for it. Men don’t need big breasts, a flat stomach, long hair, or lots of makeup to attract attention. But it is important that the women they are with turn them on. This doesn’t mean you have to have perfect hair and perfect makeup, but you do need to take care of yourself and your appearance.

Trust me. Now you have everything men want from women. And you will find a man who loves you for who you are and how you are. Don’t worry about trying to impress people. Instead, love yourself and know that when the right person comes along, you will be fine.